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Free Comic Book Day 2022

It’s that time of year again. Free Comic Book Day! For those of you who don’t know all about it, allow me to spread the joy by letting...

Art of The Primeval

Amy Sexton Berlin has made some pretty incredible artwork this fall and has cited The Primeval as some of the inspiration for it. She has...

The Primeval Book Launch

Thank you to everyone who made it to the book launch for The Primeval at That Bookstore last month. We had an incredible turnout and most...

Book Launch Party!

On this wonderful Friday the 13th that also happens to be a full moon, I'm very excited to announce the launch party for The Primeval! We...


I suppose I'll kick off this blog by letting you know what you can expect to find here. Horror, writing, books, book reviews, recaps of...

Blog: Blog2
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